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Comparison of severe COVID 19 and influenza infections in pediatric patients requiring PICU in Bogota, Colombia.

Investigación y Educación

Background COVID 19 infection represents a global threat and now a frequent cause of hospitalization in pediatrics. COVID 19, as well as Influenza virus could have a severe course. There are few studies, and no local or regional information comparing severe disease between COVID 19 and Influenza virus in children.

Conclusion COVID 19 and influenza severe infections can have some differences including age of presentation. Inlfuenza main manifestation requiring UCIP is respiratory distress, while COVID19 can have other presentations including shock and central nervous manifestation. Lower lymphocyte counts as well as lower platelets were significantly more common in COVID 19 patients. Although there are no unique characteristics of each infection, some particularities could guide clinician to the etiology of the infection.

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